1. "Asian Studies" the official organ of the Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, is a multi-disciplinary journal of Asian affairs. Papers based on original research on any relevant field are considered for publication. The language of the Journal is English.
2. Manuscripts for publication should be submitted in duplicate, typed double-spaced on one side of opaque paper, or in the floppy diskette, to the Editor at the address of the Institute. Contributions will be acknowledged as soon as accepted.
3. Papers submitted should not normally exceed 10,000 words (about 30 pages typed as specified above) including equivalent space for tables and diagrams, if any.
4. Contributions should be accompanied by:
a) an abstract or summary within 120 words
b) a biographical sketch of the author(s) within 50 words
c) the author's current address and institutional affiliation
d) if the author's institution requires permission for publication, documents granting such permission.
5. References should be cited in the text with serial numerical superscripts and all references, annotations etc. listed at the end of the paper in corresponding order. Papers and articles cited should be identified by the author, title, name of the journal, year and inclusive pages; books referred to should be identified by author, title, place of publication and name of publisher and year. Specific references should include selected page numbers. Papers are not to be accepted if the -specifications (given above) are not followed.
6. Tables should be carefully prepared so that the printer can easily follow the copy. Tables must only replace or supplement text, without duplication.
7. Line diagrams can be included only if essential. Diagrams prepared should be so designed as to stand 2/3 reduction for printing within the size of the page. Diagrams should be restricted to the minimum essential. While sending the papers in the first instance, the contributors are advised to include only photocopies of diagrams pertaining to the papers. The original may be sent only after the paper/papers are formally accepted for publication. In case larger or more numerous illustrations are necessary, authors may have to contribute towards the cost of making blocks.
8. Papers should be concise, lucid, well documented, academic in tenor and consistent with the scope of the Journal. The opinion of the Editorial Board regarding acceptability will be final. If any modifications are suggested, final acceptance will be contingent on these being carried out. The right to effect necessary editorial improvement is reserved.
9. Contributors will be supplied 10 offprints free of cost.
No material published here may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.
Views and opinions expressed in the journal are those of the authors. The Institute accepts no responsibility in this regard.
Correspondence on editorial, subscription and other matters may be addressed to:
The Editor, Asian Studies,
1, Woodburn Park, Kolkata 700020, India.
Please write to: The Director, Netaji Institute for Asian Studies
1, Woodburn Park, Kolkata - 700 020, Phone: 2287-3145/2283-5079
E-mail: netajiinstitute1981@gmail.com